Meranda Nixon Winery

6517 Laycock Rd.
Ripley, OH 45167
Click for Map.


Ohio River Valley Wine Trail

Brown County


Upon graduation from The Ohio State University's College of Agriculture, Seth Meranda returned to his great-grandfather's family farm and grew tobacco and grain crops prior to planting Meranda Vineyards in 2003. Seth's late wife, Tina, grew up on the Nixon family farm in Warren County, graduated from Cincinnati State, and became active in the Brown County farm in 1998.

The Meranda-Nixon Winery opened in 2007. It is located in an area of the Ohio Valley that was one of the largest grape growing regions in the country during the 1800s. Seth Meranda and his wife, Maura, own and operate the winery and vineyard. Their four children, Preston, Austin, Lizzie, and Ben, when not in school, contribute their help. In addition, extended family offers a helping hand when needed.

Monday–Thursday, by Appointment
Friday, 1:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

