Enjoy a choice of 2 meal options from Big C's Barbeque and music starting at 12:30pm with Scott Fish & Molly! 1 - 1/2 BBQ Chicken Dinner - $12 2 - 1/3 Rack of Ribs - $12 Both meals include 2 sides, roll & Dessert Kids Meal - Pulled Pork or Shredded BBQ Slider, Chips & a Cookie - $5 Reservations Preferred by May 8th for this event! Call or email the winery at 419-875-6474 or info@majesticoakwinery.com Mom won't have to cook and you can arrive & eat at your convenience. Reservations for food quantities only. There will be a limited supply of Pulled Pork or Shredded Chicken Sandwiches for those without reservations.