Living Wright Wines
741 Greenlee Rd
Seaman, OH 45679
Click for Map
Ohio River Valley Wine Trail
Adams County
In the summer of 2016, owners Joseph and Anyssa Wright prepared for a summer trip to Italy. Wanting to get the full cultural experience, Joseph was told by his loving wife, "If we are going to spend 14 days in Italy, you are going to have to learn to drink wine". They spent the next few months learning everything they could about the art of wine and took classes about the basics of winemaking. With a “we can do that attitude”, lots of trial and error, and many taste tests later, Living Wright Wines was born.
In the spring of 2021, the construction of the small winery began. Like most things, the Wrights did most of the work themselves with the help from some very great and skilled friends. Along with construction was some very intense research. They traveled all over Ohio visiting wineries, asking questions and of course tasting wine. They looked at equipment, bottles, labels, fermenting methods, bottling equipment, all things winery. What the Wright learned most from these trips was to start small and grow a little at a time.
Fri 05:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Sat 02:00 pm – 09:00 pm